Learn the art of linocut printmaking with local artist, Michelle Gazely
Register for one class or both
Friday, April 26th 6:30-9 + Saturday, April 27th 10-1
Register for one class or both
Friday, April 26th 6:30-9 + Saturday, April 27th 10-1
Friday, April 26th
You will be introduced to the tools and techniques of this fun method of printmaking. We will create our very own 'stamps' using a linocutter and an easy carving blockprinting surface. You will take home prints and your very own carved lino block. |
Saturday, April 27th
We will explore fabric printmaking with coloured fabric inks. You will create a second carved block and print on fabric. You will take home printed fabric and your very own carved lino block! |
An Introduction to Linocut Printmaking will take place at the Houston Library. COST
cost: $75 for both sessions • $45 for one session all supplies included • Houston Library Friday, April 26th 6:30-9 + Saturday, April 27th 10-1 PAYMENT
Please send an etrasfer to: [email protected] or send a cheque to: Michelle Gazely 23809 Walcott Road Telkwa BC V0J 2X2 Register early as space is limited!